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Muench LN, Kia C, Jerliu A, Williams AA, Berthold DP, Cote MP, McCarthy MB, Arciero RA, Mazzocca AD. Clinical Outcomes Following Biologically Enhanced Patch Augmentation Repair as a Salvage Procedure for Revision Massive Rotator Cuff Tears. Arthroscopy. 2020; 36(6): 1542-51.


Muench LN, Kia C, Williams AA, Avery DM 3rd, Cole MP, Reed N, Aciero RA, Chandawarkar R, Mazzocca AD. High Clinical Failure Rate After Latissimus Dorsi Transfer for Revision Massive Rotator Cuff Tears. Arthroscopy. 2020; 36(1): 88-94.


Zakko P, Scheiderer B, Beitzel K, Shoji M, Williams A, DiVenere J, Cote MP, Mazzocca AD, Imhoff FB. Does Quality of Life Influence Re-tear Rate Following Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair? J. Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019; 28(6S): S124-30.  


Williams AA, Mancini NS, Kia C, Wolf MR, Gupta S, Cote MP, Arciero RA. Recurrent Shoulder Instability: Do Morbidity and Treatment Differ Based on Insurance. Orthop J Sports Med. 2019; 7(4): eCollection 2019 April.  


Chou LB, Niu EL, Williams AA, Duester R, Anderson SE, Harris AHS, Hunt KJ. Postoperative Pain Following Surgical Treatment of Ankle Fractures: A Prospective Study. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2018; 2 (9): e021.


Williams AA, Hannah M, Carl BS, Lifchez, SD. The scleroderma hand: Manifestations of disease and approach to management. J Hand Surg Am. 2018; 43(6): 550-7.


Williams AA, Mancini NS, Solomito MJ, Nissen CW, Milewski MD. Chondral injuries and irreparable meniscal tears among adolescents with ACL or meniscal tears are more common in patients with public insurance. Am J Sports Med. 2017; 45(9): 2111-5.


Tanaka MJ, Elias JJ, Williams AA, Demehri S, Cosgarea AJ. Characterization of patellar maltracking using dynamic kinematic CT imaging in patients with patellar instability. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016; 24(11): 3634-41.


Williams AA, Stang TS, Fritz J, Papp DF. Calcific tendonitis of the gluteus maximus in a golfer. Orthopedics. 2016; 39(5): e997-e1000.


Williams AA, Elias JJ, Tanaka MJ, Thawait GK, Demehri S, Carrino JA, Cosgarea AJ. The relationship between TT-TG distance and abnormal patellar tracking in patients with unilateral patellar instability. Arthroscopy. 2016; 32(1): 55-61.


Tanaka MJ, Elias JJ, Williams AA, Carrino JA, Cosgarea AJ. Correlation between changes in tibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distance and patellar position during active knee extension on dynamic kinematic computed tomography imaging. Arthroscopy. 2015; 31(9): 1748-55.


Demehri S, Thawait GK, Williams AA, Kompel A, Elias JJ, Carrino JA, Cosgarea AJ. Imaging characteristics of contralateral asymptomatic patellofemoral joints in patients with unilateral instability. Radiology. 2014; 273(3): 821-30. 


Williams AA, Valasek AE, Wilckens JH. Lower extremity overuse injuries in the skeletally immature athlete. Current Orthopaedic Practice. 2014; 25(4): 375-82.


Williams AA, DesJardins CE, Wilckens JH. Stress fracture of the lateral cuneiform bone in a lacrosse player: A case report. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Case Connector. 2013; 3(2): e31(1-3).


Williams AA, Lochner HV. Pediatric hand and wrist injuries. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine. 2013; 6(1): 18-25.


Lee AT, Williams AA, Lee J, Cheng R, Lindsey DP, Ladd AL. Trapezium trabecular morphology in carpometacarpal arthritis. Journal of Hand Surgery. 2013; 38(2): 309-15.


Osei DA, Williams AA, Weiland AJ. Concomitant compressive neuropathy of the ulnar and median nerves in the hand by midpalmar ganglion. Hand. 2012; 7(3): 317-9.


Williams AA, Witten DM, Duester R, Chou LB. The benefits of implant removal from the foot and ankle. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2012; 94(14): 1316-20.


Williams AA, Higgins JPT, Zhao H, Ljunberg B, Brooks JD. CD9 and vimentin distinguish clear cell from chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. BMC Clinical Pathology. 2009; 9:9.  


Kim YS, Martinez T, Deshpande DM, Drummond J, Provost K, Williams A, Schafer J, Maragakis N, Song H, Kerr DA. Correction of humoral derangements from mutant superoxide dismutase 1 spinal cord. Annals of Neurology. 2006; 60(6): 716-28.



Williams AA, Arciero RA. Arthroscopic and open stabilization techniques for anterior instability in the contact athlete. Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. 2016; 24(4): 278-85.


Williams A. Conscientious objection: A medical student perspective. Virtual Mentor. 2009; 11(9): 686-9.



Williams AA, Brunton LM, Anderson MW, Chhabra AB. “The Wrist and Hand.” In: Srikumaran U, ed. MRI in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Essentials. Thieme Publishers, in press.


Williams AA, Brunton LM, Anderson MW, Chhabra AB. “The Elbow.” In: Srikumaran U, ed. MRI in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: The Essentials. Thieme Publishers, in press.


Williams A and Smith L. “Vascular Pathology of the Hand and Upper Extremities, Including Kienbock’s Disease.” In: Laporte D, ed. Synopsis of Hand Surgery. New York: Thieme Publishers, 2021.


Williams AA. “Chapter 18: Fractures of the Humerus.” In: Swiontkowski MF, ed. Manual of Orthopaedics 8th Edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Publishing, 2021. 269-82.


Williams AA. “Chapter 19: Elbow and Forearm Injuries.” In: Swiontkowski MF, ed. Manual of Orthopaedics 8th Edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Publishing, 2021. 283-300.



Williams AA, LaPorte D (2012). Dupuytren disease. In J Bernstein, CS Day, & C Veillette (Eds), Musculoskeletal medicine for medical students. Retrieved from

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